There are numerous ways you can contribute to the club activities, cultivate Polish traditions and enjoy a sense of accomplishment in the process.

We are always looking for people with various backgrounds, talents and skill levels to help in organizing the club events, support the functioning of various interest groups and offer new ideas to enhance our collective efforts.

Some of the colorful and joyful events we organize include the International Festival in the Overture Center, the Spring Festival on Palm Sunday, the annual summer picnic, the Christmas Bazaar in November, and our traditional Christmas Eve Supper (Wigilia) in December.

You can also join various interest groups such as the First Friday Breakfast Group, the Polish Book Club, the School Educational Program, the Genealogy Group, the Scholarship Award Group or simply enjoy great Polish movies during the annual Polish Film Festival in November/December.

A great way to let us know what club activities you would like to support is to mark them on the membership form to be submitted when joining the club or renewing your Membership.