Chopin class Stephenson
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 06:00pm - 07:30pm
Hits : 1984
November: A month of Chopin
A two-part class on Chopin's nocturnes
in the instructor's home studio
Instructor: Trevor Stephenson
Artistic Director of Madison Bach Musicians
Instrument: 1850 English Parlor Grand Piano
Register at trevor@trevorstephenson
Virtual attendance: Cost $40
Hi-def recording posted within 24 hours of the event
Available for 30 days, Zoom wrap-up q/a session included
In person attendance: Cost $50
Masks & vaccination required
Location: 5729 Forsythia Ln., Madison, WI 53705
attendees will also receive the link to the videos valid for 30 day
Reading knowledge of music suggested
We'll look at eight of the Nocturnes spanning Chopin's career as a composer.
- Chopin's personality as a performer and teacher
- His approach to composition
- Chopin's cultivation of the da capo aria form (A-B-A) in the Nocturnes
- How the pianos and the temperaments (tunings) of Chopin's era help the player cultivate the phrasing, voicing, and pacing that is helpful in the Nocturnes
- How the Nocturne emerged as a genre in the early 19th century, and why was it emblematic of the Romantic sensibility Chopin's compositional models: Bach, Mozart, Bellini and early 19th-c. operatic style
- Tempo flexibility and inflexibility--and the zones in between— in performing Chopin
- Chopin's pedal markings and his general approach to pedaling
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